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This kit contains everything you need to build the Pi-Hat module, essentialy the Brain of Marine Assistant. This piece of the marine assistant "pie" runs the Home Assistant software and talks to other hardware and sensors. 


What can I conect to the Pi-Hat?

  • There are 10 ports for I/O, you are free to connect any sort of binary sensor, Binary meaning either on or off. Float switches or leak sensors for example. Anything that closes the circuit will work. 6 of these ports have 3,3v power and 4 have 5v, but be carefull with the 5v as the Raspberry pi Gpio header can only handle 3,3v!
  • There are 2 12v switchable outputs, light up your filter cabinet with an led strip for example.
  • There are also i2c connections to enable you to connect the Pi 7" Touchscreen. Work on the code and instructions for this are still to come.
  • Many wireless divices, anything that is compatible with Home Assistant will work fine. there are litteraly hundreds of divices. For example the TP-Link Tapo 240v switchable plugs,  controll pumps, lights, skimmer.... anything that uses 240v and monitor its power usage. 120v divices are also available for US users.
  • Custom Breadboard, Want to add your our circuitry? this is the perfect place for that, 6 extra Gpio pins aswell as different power output are all available for you to add whatever you like. 



  • Professional PCB
  • all components needed to complete the Pi-Hat
  • screws and spacers to fix the Pi-Hat into the case
  • 3d printed parts for the case.
  • Threaded inserts and screws for case


What will you need to supply:

  • Raspberry Pi (4 or 5)
  • Power supply plug (12v at 2 amps)

Pi-Hat Diy Kit with Case

100,00 €Price
Case cover Color
Expected to ship by June, once testing is complete.
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