Echo distance Sensor
Water level sensor
An echo distance sensor for reef aquariums measures water level and sump depth using ultrasonic waves. It works by emitting sound pulses and timing their return after bouncing off the water surface. This is important for monitoring evaporation, auto top-off (ATO) systems, and detecting water level changes. It helps prevent overflows, dry pumps, and salinity fluctuations by providing accurate, non-contact water level measurements.
Not intended for use as an ATO sensor, but could be part of one. the intended use is to monitor the water level in an ATO resevoir or dosing container.
Hardware conection
How its conected
Each sensor has four wires that need to be conected to the coresponding pins on the sensor module. They are as follows; 5v, GND, Echo and Trigger. The sensor module has two ports for these sensors.
When making your conections ensure the sensor module has no power!
Mount the Echo sensor above the water looking directly at the surface. Depending on the sensor there is a dead zone where no measurement are possible, in my example here with this sensor it is 2cm.
Software setup
Checking the Code
Locate the code as pictured below in the screenshot, You may need to uncomment the parts of the code. but other than that it is ready to use.

The code has four main parts to each port:
Platform: Is the type of sensor
Trigger pin: Is the pin uses to send the pulse
Echo Pin: Is the pin used to listen for the pulse returning.
Name: this is the name of your sensor and can be changed to whatever you would like.

The new ESP home sensors my not apear in your dashboard and nee to be added. To do this go to settings then devices and services.
You should see somewhere on that page the sensor module ESP home. Click on add and then follow the few steps needed to add the integration.
You will only need to do this once, if you already did this when adding another sensor then go directly to your dashboard.

In your dashboard you should now be able to add the cards for these new sensors.
Click on Edit then add card at the bottom right. You can then Select Gauge.
In the next window you can select the Entity if it isnt alread selected, you can give the card a name and change other options here too..

HC-SR04 sensor

Rear of sensor

Conection to sensor module

Sensor mounted to lid of ATO resevoir
Here are a few links to where you can purchase your sensors, click the link depending on your location.
Worldwide link generally takes longer to be delivered but is a little cheaper. Better if you want to bulk order.
Me Personnaly I order most of my stuff from Aliexpress, it normally gets here fairly quickly and tends to be a little cheaper.
If I need something quick I order from amazon.
Full disclosure: some of these links are affiliate links, clicking them and purchasing though my links helps me support the project.