Using all the data available you can create your own automations. Either time activated for lights for example or maybe a feed button to turn off pumps to feed your fish, you can also create automations that run in the background all the time like an ATO or maybe a float switch to turn off your skimmer if it fills up. The possiblities are endless.
Make life easier..
As with all things Home assistant you have many options when creating your automations, maybe too many. Be sure to really think about what automations you use and how they are activaed and deactivated.
For example if you add a feed buttom to turn off the pumps how do they turn back on? be sure to add a timer in this case to reverse the automation after set time.
There are many automations you can create, Here are some examples and how you can create them yourself:

ATO (Auto Top Off)
What sensors are needed:
Main sump water level sensor (Optical)
Failsafe sump low level sensor (Float)
Failsafe sump High level sensor (Float)
Temperature sensor (DS18B20)​
Having An ATO on your tank is a must and one of the best things you can automate on your tank. You will need to have the hardware all mounted in the sump or your place of choice and actuvate the sensors you plan on using in the code, be sure they are all working before continuing.
Coming soon...
The Website is still under construction and I am busy testing and finding bugs so you dont need to. Check back soon as I am constantly updating the website.
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